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Hand in frischer Maissilage

bonsilage MAIS

The booster for ultimate success in silage making

Combination of homo- and heterofermentative lactic acid bacteria specifically blended for maize and whole-crop silages for a stable fermentation process. Higher aerobic stability through the controlled production of acetic acid. bonsilage MAIS also improves nutrient digestibility, thereby enhancing the energy density of the fodder. Across all trials an average increase in the energy content of +0.27 MJ NEL/kg dry matter was demonstrated.


bonsilage MAIS

DLG-Qualitätssiegel BONSILAGE MAIS
Liquid and granules
  • Special fermentation acid pattern for maize silage and GPS consisting of lactic acid, acetic acid and 1,2-propanediol(propylenglykole)
  • improves digestibility and energy density (in tests by +0.27 MJ NEL/kg DM on average compared with untreated control).
  • significantly increases aerobic stability at silo face
Range of application+
  • Whole-crop maize silage with 28-35 % DM
  • Whole-crop cereal silage with 30-40 % DM
  • L. plantarum
  • P. pentosaceus
  • L. buchneri
  • min. 2,5* 1011 lactic acid bacteria/g bonsilage MAIS
  • 1 g bonsilage MAIS/t ensiled material
  • 1 can sufficient to treat 100 t
Minimum storage period+
  • 8 weeks
Produktverpackung bonsilage MAIS
bonsilage MAIS improves nutrient digestibility
bonsilage MAIS improves nutrient digestibility

bonsilage MAIS

Silage additive (homo- and heterofermentative) for corn silage and WCS

  • improves digestibility
  • improves energy density
  • significantly better stability at the bunker silo face
  • special fermentation pattern for maize silage and WCS

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Dosiergerät für bonsilage Siliermittel
Dosage Calculator
The precise dose rate setting for your silage additive

The dosage calculator offers you the possibility to achieve the best possible results in ensiling.

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Hws De Anschnitt Maissilo
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Winners ensile with BONSILAGE
Measurably improved feed quality in silages