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Bonsilage Plus

Stability and energy for the higher end of the DM range

Accurately balanced combination of five hetero- and homofermentative lactic acid bacterial strains for the higher end of the DM range (> 30 %). The silage additive BONSILAGE PLUS increases the energy density of the silage through improved digestibility and reduces reheating by inhibiting yeasts and moulds.



DLG-Qualitätssiegel BONSILAGE PLUS
Liquid and granules
  • ensures an optimal fermentation acid pattern in the upper DM range
  • improves digestibility, resulting in higher energy density
  • controlled acetic acid formation reduces heating up problems
  • better crude protein quality
Range of application+

grass, grass-clover, lucerne, GPS: 28-45 % DM

  • L. plantarum
  • P. pentosaceus
  • L. rhamnosus
  • L. brevis
  • L. buchneri
  • min. 5* 1010 lactic acid/g BONSILAGE PLUS
  • dosage: 2 g BONSILAGE PLUS/t ensiled material
  • 1 can sufficient to treat 50 t
Minimum storage period+
  • 8 weeks
BONSILAGE PLUS reduces protein degradation.
BONSILAGE PLUS reduces protein degradation.

Bonsilage Plus

Silage additve (homo- and heterofermentative) for middle/upper DM range

  • optimum fermentation acid pattern in the upper DM range
  • improves digestibility
  • higher energy density
  • controlled acetic acid formation reduces reheating
  • better crude protein quality

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Winners ensile with BONSILAGE
Measurably improved feed quality in silages.