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bonsilage CCM

Nutrient protection for maize grain silage and corn-cob mix (CCM)

Specialised biological silage additive of homo- and heterofermentative lactic acid bacteria for maize grain meal and CCM. bonsilage CCM protects against uncontrolled proliferation of yeasts and moulds and improves the aerobic stability of the silages.


bonsilage CCM

DLG-Qualitätssiegel BONSILAGE CCM
Liquid and granules
  • Biological preservation of CCM or maize grain silage as a cost-effective alternative to acid treatment
  • Acid-tolerant, homofermentative lactic acid bacteria ensure rapid formation of lactic acid, ensuring permanent, stable pH value
  • Lactic acid makes silage more appetising and has a positive impact on the animal’s digestive tract
  • Heterofermentative lactic acid bacterium L. buchneri produces the ideal quantity of acetic acid to effectively suppress yeast and mould fungi growth
Range of application+
  • Maize grain silage with 58-68 % DM
  • CCM with 58-65 % DM
  • L. plantarum
  • L. rhamnosus
  • L. buchneri
  • min. 1,25* 1011 lactic acid bacteria/g bonsilage CCM
  • 2 g bonsilage CCM/t ensiled material
  • 1 can sufficient to treat 50 t
Minimum storage period+
  • 8 weeks
Produktverpackung bonsilage CCM
Cost-efficient conservation with bonsilage CCM
Cost-efficient conservation of corn silage with bonsilage CCM

bonsilage CCM

Silage additive (homo- and heterofermentative) for corn grain silage and corn-cob mix (CCM)

  • economic alternative for acid preservation
  • lowers the pH level permanently
  • improves aerobic stability
  • increases palatability
  • suppresses yeast and mould fungi growth

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Winners ensile with BONSILAGE
Measurably improved feed quality in silages