bonsilage CCM
Liquid and granules
- Biological preservation of CCM or maize grain silage as a cost-effective alternative to acid treatment
- Acid-tolerant, homofermentative lactic acid bacteria ensure rapid formation of lactic acid, ensuring permanent, stable pH value
- Lactic acid makes silage more appetising and has a positive impact on the animal’s digestive tract
- Heterofermentative lactic acid bacterium L. buchneri produces the ideal quantity of acetic acid to effectively suppress yeast and mould fungi growth
Range of application+
- Maize grain silage with 58-68 % DM
- CCM with 58-65 % DM
- L. plantarum
- L. rhamnosus
- L. buchneri
- min. 1,25* 1011 lactic acid bacteria/g bonsilage CCM
- 2 g bonsilage CCM/t ensiled material
- 1 can sufficient to treat 50 t
Minimum storage period+
- 8 weeks