The bonsilage products within the BASIC group optimise the fermentation process and silage stability, thereby improving forage performance. The bonsilage products increase the amount of UDP.
bonsilage. Market and innovation leader since 2000.
Any professional milk producer knows that the quality of the base feed is a decisive factor for milk yields, sustainable animal health and therefore cost-efficient milk production.
SCHAUMANN has been supporting farmers in making perfect grass and maize silages with bonsilage silage additives for 25 years.
An entirely new generation of silage additives has been developed based on intensive research that brings together the most recent insights into the physiology of metabolic processes in animals with specialist knowledge of animal nutrition and lactic acid bacteria that has been aggregated and refined over decades. The bonsilage BASIC, bonsilage SPEED and bonsilage FIT product groups now deliver uniquely innovative silage additives that are perfectly adapted to your harvesting and feeding conditions and specifically matched to your individual needs.

Feeding energy-rich silages after just two weeks with very good aerobic stability? bonsilage SPEED makes this possible: with the new silage additive strain Lactobacillus diolivorans.

bonsilage FIT optimises the energy properties of your silage and provides high aerobic stability and propylene glycol to relieve the cow’s metabolism at the start of lactation.