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bonsilage FIT G

The specialist for improving cow fitness

The special combination of homofermentative and heterofermentative lactic acid bacteria (LAB) strains ensures specially adapted fermentation pattern of lactic acid, acetic acid and propylene glycol in energy-rich grass silages. This promotes the metabolism and fitness of dairy cattle and reduces the risk of ketosis and acidosis. Good digestibility, palatability and protein quality are the result of the homofermentative early fermentation phase during ensiling. The high L. buchneri activity prevents reheating and improves the aerobic stability.


bonsilage FIT G

  • Specially adjusted fermentation acid pattern of lactic acid, acetic acid and propylene glycol supports metabolism and fitness of dairy cows and fattening bulls
  • Intensive activity of L.buchneri prevents reheating and thereby improves the aerobic stability
  • High digestibility, tastiness and protein quality as results of the homofermentatively dominated start phase of ensiling
  • silo ripening time > 8 week
Range of application+

Grass and clover grass silages with 28-50 % DM

  • L. rhamnosus
  • L. plantarum
  • L. buchneri
  • Min. 1,5* 1011 lactic acid bacteria/g bonsilage FIT G
  • 2 g bonsilage FIT G/t ensiled material
  • 1 can is sufficient to treat 50 to
Minimum storage period+
  • 8 weeks
Produktverpackung bonsilage FIT G
Less ammonia and butyric acid in the grass silage with bonsilage FIT G
Less ammonia and butyric acid in the grass silage with bonsilage FIT G

bonsilage FIT G

Silage additive (homo- und heterofermentative) for high aerobic stability energy-rich grass silage and to support cow fitness

  • supports metabolism and fitness of dairy cows and fattening bulls
  • prevents reheating
  • improves the aerobic stability
  • high digestibility, palatability and protein quality

Service & tips

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Winners ensile with BONSILAGE
Measurably improved feed quality in silages