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bonsilage SPEED G

The specialist for a reduced silo ripening period

The special combination of homofermentative and heterofermentative lactic acid bacteria (LAB) strains ensures intensive fermentation in silages during the first few weeks of ensiling. The strain Lactobacillus diolivorans reduces the silage ripening time to two weeks with the lowest losses and highest energy content. The ensiling agent protects against reheating and improves the aerobic stability. Lactobacillus diolivorans is an entirely new heterofermentative lactic acid bacteria strain selected by SCHAUMANN with a unique metabolism and synergistic effect.


bonsilage SPEED G

  • L. diolivorans: The only EU-approved strain of this type with an innovative, hitherto unknown metabolism
  • the combination of L. diolivorans, L. buchneri and L. plantarum ensures intensive fermentation during the first few weeks in green silages
  • Prevention of reheating and improvement of aerobic stability after short silo ripening time (2 weeks)
Range of application+

Grass, clover grass and forage rye silages with 28-50 % DM

  • L. diolivorans (new)
  • L. buchneri
  • L. plantarum
  • Min. 1,25* 1011 lactic acid bacterias/g bonsilage SPEED G
  • 2 g bonsilage SPEED G/t ensiled material
  • 1 can is sufficient to treat 50 t
Minimum storage period+
  • 2 weeks
Produktverpackung bonsilage SPEED G
Stable grass silage with bonsilage SPEED G after 14 days
Stable grass silage with bonsilage SPEED G after 14 days

bonsilage SPEEG G

Silage additive (homo- and heterofermentative) for short silo ripening period and high stability in grass-, clover-grass, alfalfa and forage rye silages.

  • ensures intensive fermentation during the first few weeks in green silages
  • protects against reheating
  • improves the aerobic stability after just 14 days of silo maturing
  • L. diolivorans: The only EU-approved strain of this type with an innovative, hitherto unknown metabolism

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Winners ensile with BONSILAGE
Measurably improved feed quality in silages