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Reheating in silages

Stable silages to take farmers through summer

During the summer months, elevated cell counts in dairy cows are a common problem, which is caused by high temperatures resulting in the proliferation of moulds and yeasts across the silage face. This leads to silage reheating, a phenomenon that is clearly illustrated by thermal images. Silages that have not been treated with silage additives are particularly prone to strong reheating. Silage palatability decreases as a result, which in turn causes lower feed intake and therefore reduces milk production.

Silostar TMR Protect reliably inhibits mould and yeast growth and therefore provides rapid relief, keeping storage TMR and presented feeds stable even in hot temperatures. Feed hygiene improves as a result, and energy losses decrease.

Always use bonsilage silage additives for ensiling to protect your silage against reheating from the very start. The silage additives in the bonsilage BASIC range optimise the fermentation process and stabilise silages. The products in the bonsilage SPEED range shorten the ensiling period to 2 weeks, while the silage additives in the bonsilage FIT range improve cow fitness.